Editor-In-Chief :
Dr. Baboo M. Nair
Professor Emeritus, Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry
Lund University, SWEDEN
Email: baboo_m.nair@appliednutrition.lth.se
Dr. Jashbhai B. Prajapati
Principal & Dean,SMC College of Dairy Science
Anand Agricultural University, Anand, INDIA
Email: jbprajapati@gmail.com
Executive Editors
Dr. Pratima Khandelwal
Profe. & Head
Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore,
Email: pratima2k1@gmail.com
Dr. Subrota Hati
Assistant Professor, Dept. Dairy Microbiology
SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agricultural
University, Anand, INDIA
Email: subrota_dt@yahoo.com
Editorial Board:
Dr. A.K. Srivastava
Director, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
Email: dir@ndri.res.in
Dr. Dilip Patel
Sterling Technology, South Dakota, USA
Email: dilip_32@hotmail.com
Dr. Adrian Pollard
Managing Director
Chr. Hansen India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, INDIA
Email: sgapo@chr-hansen.com
Dr. Dong-Hwh Shin
Shin Dong Hwa Food Research Institute, KOREA
Email: dhshin@jbnu.ac.kr
Dr. Afaf Kamal-Eldin
Department of Food Science and Technology
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
Email: afaf.kamal@uaeu.ac.ae
Dr. Ismail Rustom
Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology,
Toronto, CANADA
Email: irustom@gmail.com
Dr. Jyoti Prakash Tamang
School of Life Sciences, Sikkim University, Tadong,
Sikkim, INDIA
Email: jyoti_tamang@hotmail.com
Dr. Priya Ramnani
University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire,
Email: p.ramnani@reading.ac.uk
Dr. K. Kailasapathy
Taylor’s University, MALAYSIA
Email: kailasapathy.kasipathy@taylors.edu.my
Dr. Rajagopal Kammara
Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh,
Email: krgopal22@rediffmail.com
Dr. Kalpgam Polasa
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, INDIA
Email: kpolasa@yahoo.com
Dr. Rekha Singhal
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, INDIA
Email: rs.singhal@ictmumbai.edu.in
Dr. Lata Ramachandran
Victoria University, AUSTRALIA
Email: latar2004@yahoo.com
Dr. Rickard Oste
Lund University & CEO, Aventure AB, SWEDEN
Email: rickard.oste@aventureab.com
Dr. Latha Sabikhi
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, INDIA
Email: lsabikhi@gmail.com
Dr. Sagarika Ekanayake
Faculty of Medical Sciences,
Sri jayawardenapura University, Nugegida;
Email: sagarikae@hotmail.com
Dr. Mervat Foda
Food Industry and Nutrition Division
National Research Center, El-Behoos St., Dokki,
Cairo, EGYPT
Email: mervat1m@yahoo.com
Dr. Miguel López Leiva
Universidad de Santiago; Santiago de Chile; CHILE
Email: miguel.lopez@usach.cl
Dr. Shantanu Das
Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston
Email: s.das@massey.ac.nz
Dr. Nagendra P Shah
Food and Nutritional Sciences, School of Biological
Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam,
Email: npshah@hku.hk
Mr. Tansukhlal Jain
Givaudan India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, INDIA
Email: tansukh@gmail.com
Dr. Olle Holst
Department of Biotechnology, Lund University,
Email: olle.holst@biotek.lu.se
Dr. Vikram Mistry
South Dakota State University, USA
Email: vikram.mistry@sdstate.edu
Dr. Pinaki Panigrahi
University of Maryland, USA
Email: ppanigrahi@pol.net
Dr. Sreeja, V.
Assistant Professor
Dept. Dairy Microbiology, SMC College of Dairy
Science, Anand Agricultural University
Anand, Gujarat-388110, INDIA
Email: sreeja_p70@rediffmail.com
Dr. R. Pratap Chandran
Department of Biotechnology
S.D.V College of Arts and Applied Science,
Sanathanapuram, Alappuzha District, Kerala,
Email: drpratapchandran@yahoo.co.in